Elmsbrook Zero Carbon Community
A net zero development located in Caversfield, Bicester as one of four eco-towns identified under Planning Policy Statement Supplement PPS1.
The exemplar development consists of 393 residential dwellings built to Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) level 5.
Designed with infrastructure to serve 6000 homes, a secondary school, retail, commercial space together with a new heath centre.
40% of the site dedicated to green space with specified permaculture zones identified as part of the scheme.
Work with client and stakeholders to deliver net zero carbon housing development.
Provide ESCO and bid selection services to ensure best value and technical competence.
Work with the client as Employers Engineer throughout the development lifecycle bringing consistent quality to the delivery of the energy systems.
What will the project deliver?
The Elmsbrook project is a sustainable development that will deliver over 6,000 energy-efficient homes built to high environmental standards, sustainable infrastructure, extensive green spaces, new community facilities, and smart technology. The project aims to promote sustainable transportation, reduce carbon emissions, support biodiversity, and enhance the well-being of local residents through the provision of community facilities and energy-efficient technology.
The project involves a site-wide multi-utility network, including solar, district heating, and combined heat and power, designed to achieve true net-zero carbon heating and power. The development aims to nurture natural diversity and permaculture while offsetting carbon emissions through the use of excess heat energy to provide space heating and domestic hot water to domestic, commercial, and education connections on the scheme.
Provided stakeholder teams valuable ESCO end energy management perspectives.
Utilising cloud connected "in home" technologies to reduce utility consumption and optimise travel to reduce road traffic.
Implemented 4000kWp of residential and commercially sited onsite solar.
Low carbon community heating system providing space heating and domestic hot water to all dwellings.

Energy usage efficient:
Residents used 57% less heating and hot water against their Bicester neighbours and 28% less electricity than the Bicester average.
Sustainable development promoted: Multi-utility network supports sustainable practices, contributing to a greener future.
Natural diversity nurtured: Environmental practices enhance the development's sustainability.
Carbon footprint reduced:
Achieving true net-zero carbon heating and power promotes sustainability.